Special projects

At GroundPlug®, we are always happy to assist our customers with planning, production and installation of special projects.

We always develop our projects in close cooperation with our customers. At the same time, we focus on cost-effective and reliable management. In this process, our sustainable GroundPlug® screw pile foundations ensure an efficient and fast installation.

Professional engineers

Our competent engineers draw on their profound experience when developing new solutions for special projects.

Own production

The elements for our steel structures are manufactured in our own production facilities, where we can respond to the requirements of individual projects.

With us from a-z

At GroundPlug®, we offer holistic solutions including planning, design, calculation, production and installation of various special projects.

We mount and install

With the effective and fast GroundPlug® installation process, we are able to install special projects with great time savings.

Professionelle ingeniører

Vores kompetente ingeniører trækker på et stort erfaringgrundlag når de udvikler nye løsninger til specialprojekter. 

Egen produktion

Med vores egen produktion er det effektivt og nemt at fremstille produkter lige efter vores kunders behov.

Vi tager dig fra a-z

Hos GroundPlug tilbyder vi totalløsninger med planlægning, produktion, installation og vedligeholdelse af særligt udviklede specialprojekter.

Vi installerer og monterer

Med vores enormt hurtige og effektive installationsproces kan vi montere specialprojekter med stor tidsbesparelse.

Examples of special projects

Ice rink

GroundPlug® contributed to this particularly detailly designed ice rank with calculations, production drawings, production of the steel and wooden elements and installation. Thus, the tight deadline could be met without any problems.


These huts were manufactured with special requirements for implementation, effective production and construction. Produced and partially assembled in Poland, the huts were then transported to their final destination for installation.

Holiday houses and tiny homes

GroundPlug® manufactures competitive products for a wide range of wooden holiday houses and can contribute to design, calculation and production. Those kinds of houses can be built our innovative GroundPlug® screw pile foundations for private building projects.
New Shed in a Backyard

Carport, shed & annex

At GroundPlug®, we can also contribute with design, calculation and production of foundations for smaller, secondary buildings such as carports, sheds or garden houses.

GroundPlug® HE

Smart foundation

GroundPlug® HE foundations are our most common foundation for noise barriers, but can also be used for various other projects. Regardless of the application, GroundPlug® HE foundations always increase the effectiveness of the respective projects.

Various loads

The 12 standard types of our GroundPlug® HE foundations can take loads between 23 kNm and 370 kNm. The required foundation length depends, among other things, on the ground conditions.

Quick installation

With our GroundPlug® HE foundations, constructions are installed particularly effectively. 50 GroundPlug® HE foundations can be installed per day – a speed that concrete foundations cannot live up to.

Effective adjustment

An adaptable plate between the GroundPlug® HE foundation and the structure ensures precise placement in all directions.

GroundPlug® Beam

Strong foundation

GroundPlug® Beam foundations consist of several smaller steel foundations on which a beam system is mounted. This foundation can be used for heavy loads and in unfavorable ground conditions.

Quality and precision

As all our patented GroundPlug® products, the GroundPlug® Beam foundation is protected against corrosion by a hot galvanizing process.

Various fields of application

This foundation system is mainly used for building stadium masts, windmills, wind turbines, large signs and masts.

A well-known project

The GroundPlug® Beam System has been designed in various sizes for different customers around the world. One popular example are the Olympic Signs 2012 in London, which are built on GroundPlug® foundations.

GroundPlug® SK / GP

Universal foundation

The universal GroundPlug® SK and GP foundations are well suited to withstand high displacements, moments and stresses.

Loads as required

The 9 standard types of our GroundPlug® SK and GP foundations can take loads between 9 kNm and 99 kNm. In addition, individual GroundPlug® SK and GP foundations can be produced with a load capacity of up to 190 kNm.

Flexible adaption

The load capacity of GroundPlug® GP foundations can be increased by installing a system that opens in the ground once the foundation is installed. This foundation is called GroundPlug® SK.

Various fields of application

GroundPlug® SK and GP foundations are mainly used for lighting, street inventory and signs.

GroundPlug® TwisterTM

Innovative design

Our universal GroundPlug® TwisterTM foundations work like large screws that are driven directly into the ground.

Various fields of application

The GroundPlug® TwisterTM foundation can be used to secure street fixtures, temporary installations such as containers, storage units or canopies and much more.

Production and quality

Like all of our patented GroundPlug® products, the GroundPlug® TwisterTM foundation is protected against corrosion by a hot galvanizing process.

Loads as needed

Our GroundPlug® TwisterTM foundations have different load capacities depending on their size. In addition, specially designed GroundPlug® TwisterTM foundation solutions for higher loads can be produced.

GroundPlug HE

Smart fundament

GroundPlug HE fundamenter anvendes primært til støjskærme, men også til en række andre projekter. Uanset projektets udformning indgår GroundPlug HE fundamenter altid som smart elementer der øger projekternes effektivitet.

Fleksibel kapacitet

Vi leverer 12 standardtyper af GroundPlug HE fundamenter med en kapacitet fra 23 kNm til 370 kNm. Længden af fundamenterne afhænger af jordforholdene.

Hurtig installation

Med GroundPlug HE fundamenter kan konstruktioner opsattes på en særlig effektiv måde. Der kan installeres op til 50 GroundPlug HE fundamenter på en dag – en hastighed der ikke kan opnås med betonfundamenter.

Effektiv justering

En justerbar plade mellem GroundPlug HE fundamentet og konstruktionen sikrer en nøjagtig og præcis placering i alle retninger. 

GroundPlug SK/GP

Universelt fundament​

De universelle GroundPlug SK og GP fundamenter er velegnet til at optage forskydning, moment samt vertikalt tryk og træk.

Kapacitet efter behov

Vi leverer 9 standardtyper af GroundPlug SK og GP fundamentet med en kapacitet fra 9 kNm til 99 kNm. Derudover kan skræddersyede løsninger af enkelte GroundPlug SK og GP fundamenter leveres med en kapacitet på op til 190 kNm.

Fleksibel tilpasning

Kapaciteten på GroundPlug GP fundamentet kan øges ved montering af et skovlsystem, som åbner sig nede i jorden når fundamentet er monteret. Fundamentet med skovlsystemet hedder GroundPlug SK fundament. 

Forskellige indsatsområder

GroundPlug SK og GP fundamenter anvendes primært til belysning, gadeinventar, vejskilte til Vejdirektoratet og skilte til Banedanmark.

GroundPlug Beam

Stærkt fundament

GroundPlug Beam består af flere mindre stålfundamenter hvorpå et bjælkesystem monteres. Fundamentet kan dermed benyttes til store designbelastninger eller ved ugunstige jordforhold.

Kvalitet og præcision

Som alle vores patenterede GroundPlug produkter er også GroundPlug Beam fundamentet beskyttet mod korrosion ved hjælp af en varmgalvaniseringsproces.

Forskellige indsatsområder

Denne type fundamentsystem bruges hovedsagligt til stadionmaster, vindmøller, vindturbiner, store skilte og pyloner.

Et kendt projekt

GroundPlug Beam systemet er designet til forskellige kunder over hele verden i alle størrelser, bl.a. fundamenter til de Olympiske skilte i London i 2012 som blev monteret på GroundPlug fundamenter.

GroundPlug Twister

Smart design

Vores universelle GroundPlug Twister fundamenter er opbygget som store jordskruer, der kan monteres direkte i jorden.

Forskellige indsatsområder

GroundPlug Twister fundamentet kan bruges til fastspænding af byrumsudstyr, midlertidige objekter såsom containere, lagerenheder eller overdækninger og som fundament under lettere strukturer såsom skure og udendørs trapper.

Produktion og kvalitet

Som alle vores patenterede GroundPlug produkter er også GroundPlug Twister fundamentet beskyttet mod korrosion ved hjælp af en varmgalvaniseringsproces.

Kapacitet efter behov

Vores standard GroundPlug Twister fundamenter har forskellige kapaciteter alt efter størrelse. Derudover kan skræddersyede GroundPlug Twister fundamentløsninger produceres til at modstå højere belastningsværdier.