Lighting masts

At GroundPlug®, we build everything from smaller street lights to large stadium lighting. Our patented GroundPlu®g foundation solution enables fast and effective installation of any types of lighting masts.

For lighting masts, we use either our GroundPlug® SK or GP foundation, depending on the ground conditions. The foundations are simply driven into the ground without need for prior earthwork. This leads to considerable time savings during the installation process which in turn has a positive effect on the overall economic efficiency of the construction project.

Professional engineers

Our experienced engineers design and calculate lighting masts in various sizes.

Own production

GroundPlug® light poles are manufactured in our own production facilities, where we always set a focus on high quality and precision.

With us from a-z

At GroundPlug®, we offer holistic solutions including planning, design, calculation, production, installation and maintenance of lighting masts and other structures.

We mount and install

Our fast and innovative installation process enables us to install lighting masts fast and effectively.

Professionelle ingeniører

Vores erfarne ingeniører kan designe og beregne  lysmaster i mange forskellige størrelser.

Egen produktion

GroundPlug lysmaster bliver fremstillet i vores egen produktion, hvor vi sikrer høj kvalitet og præcision i produktionsprocessen.

Vi tager dig fra a-z

Hos GroundPlug tilbyder vi totalløsninger med planlægning, produktion og installation  af lysmaster og andre konstruktioner.

Vi installerer og monterer

På grund af vores enormt hurtige og effektive installationsproces kan vi montere lysmaster med ekstrem tidsbesparelse.

Street lighting

At GroundPlug® we design, produce and install innovative foundations for street lamps of various sizes. The particularly fast and reliable installation of the foundations contributes to an effective construction process.
Fundament til stadionmast

Stadion lighting

GroundPlug® foundations are also excellently suited for stadium masts. For particularly high loads, we use our GroundPlug® Beam Foundations in combination with GroundPlug® GP/ SK Foundations.

GroundPlug® SK / GP

Universal foundation

The universal GroundPlug® SK and GP foundations are well suited to withstand high displacements, moments and stresses.

Loads as required

The 9 standard types of our GroundPlug® SK and GP foundations can take loads between 9 kNm and 99 kNm. In addition, individual GroundPlug® SK and GP foundations can be produced with a load capacity of up to 190 kNm.

Flexible adaptation

The load capacity of GroundPlug® GP foundations can be increased by installing a system that opens in the ground once the foundation is installed. This foundation is called GroundPlug® SK.

Various fields of application

GroundPlug® SK and GP foundations are mainly used for lighting, street inventory and signs.

GroundPlug® Beam

Strong foundation

GroundPlug® Beam foundations consist of several smaller steel foundations on which a beam system is mounted. This foundation can be used for heavy loads and in unfavorable ground conditions.

Quality and precision

Like all of our patented GroundPlug® products, the GroundPlug® Beam foundation is protected against corrosion by a hot galvanizing process.

A well-known project

The GroundPlug® Beam System has been designed in various sizes for different customers around the world. One popular example are the Olympic Signs 2012 in London, which are built on GroundPlug® foundations.

Various fields of application

This foundation system is mainly used for building stadium lighting, windmills, wind turbines, large signs and masts.

GroundPlug Beam

Stærkt fundament

GroundPlug Beam består af flere mindre stålfundamenter hvorpå et bjælkesystem monteres. Fundamentet kan dermed benyttes til store designbelastninger eller ved ugunstige jordforhold.

Kvalitet og præcision

Som alle vores patenterede GroundPlug produkter er også GroundPlug Beam fundamentet beskyttet mod korrosion ved hjælp af en varmgalvaniseringsproces.

Forskellige indsatsområder

Denne type fundamentsystem bruges hovedsagligt til stadionmaster, vindmøller, vindturbiner, store skilte og pyloner.

Et kendt projekt

GroundPlug Beam systemet er designet til forskellige kunder over hele verden i alle størrelser, bl.a. fundamenter til de Olympiske skilte i London i 2012 som blev monteret på GroundPlug fundamenter.

GroundPlug SK/GP

Universelt fundament​

Det universelle GroundPlug SK og GP  fundament er velegnet til at optage forskydning, moment samt vertikalt tryk og træk.

Kapacitet efter behov

Vi leverer 9 standardtyper af GroundPlug SK og GP fundamentet med en kapacitet fra 9 kNm til 99 kNm. Derudover kan skræddersyede løsninger af enkelte GroundPlug SK og GP fundamenter leveres med en kapacitet på op til 190 kNm.

Fleksibel tilpasning

Kapaciteten på GroundPlug GP fundamentet kan øges ved montering af et skovlsystem, som åbner sig nede i jorden når fundamentet er monteret. Fundamentet med skovlsystemet hedder GroundPlug SK fundament.

Forskellige indsatsområder

GroundPlug SK og GP fundamenter anvendes primært til belysning, gadeinventar, vejskilte til Vejdirektoratet og skilte til Banedanmark.