Over the past few years, GroundPlug® has designed, manufactured and installed a wide variety of noise barriers.
In our own production facilities, we have the capacity to manufacture many different noise barriers. These range from steel and aluminum noise barriers, greenwall cassettes, noise barriers with weatherproof wooden slats, wicker facades, and many more.
For the installation of the noise barriers, we use our patented GroundPlug® HE screw foundations. The bolt connection of the foundations can be adjusted with +/-70mm, which allows a precision of +/-5mm during installation.
The effective adjustment as well as the fact that GroundPlug® foundations can be installed in all weather conditions, lead to considerable time savings during installation. This is of great benefit to our customers, local residents and road users alike.
Our competent engineers and site managers have many years of experience in the construction of noise barriers – both in design and implementation.
Our fast and innovative installation process enables us to install noise barriers extremely effectively and in a time-saving way.
Vores kompetente ingeniører og projektledere har stor erfaring med etablering af støjskærme, både med design og implementering.
GroundPlug støjskærme bliver produceret i vores egen produktion, hvor vi har mulighed for at fremstille elementer præcis efter kundernes behov.
Hos GroundPlug tilbyder vi totalløsninger med planlægning, design, beregning, produktion, installation og vedligeholdelse af støjskærme og andre konstruktioner.
På grund af vores hurtige og effektive installationsproces kan vi montere støjskærme meget effektivt og med store tidsbesparelser.
Noise protection walls made of willow are a particularly aesthetic solution. They are visually attractive in themselves and can be combined with planting, among other things. The willow facade is typically mounted as a rounding off on a noise-protecting core.
Natural noise barriers are a green solution combining noise barriers with plants. The core of those noise barriers is effectively noise reducing and the facade is a natural aesthetic solution that is well suited for routes where an attractive and natural view is to be maintained.
Wood-clad noise barriers are an attractive choice along major traffic arteries. The slats are supplied in weather-resistant, impregnated pine or durable wood such as Siberian larch or Canadian cedar. The slats have also potential in reducing graffiti vandalism and are an embellishing element on the aluminum noise protection.
GroundPlug HE anvendes primært til støjskærme, men også til en række andre projekter. Uanset projekternes udformning indgår GroundPlug HE fundamenter altid som smarte elementer der øger projekternes effektivitet.
Vi leverer 12 standardtyper af GroundPlug HE fundamentet med en kapacitet fra 23 kNm til 370 kNm. Længden af fundamenterne afhænger af jordforholdene.
Med GroundPlug HE fundamenter kan konstruktioner opsattes på en særlig effektiv måde. Der kan installeres op til 50 GroundPlug HE fundamenter på en dag – en hastighed der ikke kan opnås med betonfundamenter.
En justerbar plade mellem GroundPlug HE fundamentet og konstruktionen sikrer en nøjagtig og præcis placering i alle retninger.
With our profound knowledge in the field of steel constructions we are always pleased to advise you on your upcoming building project.
Contact us at any time – no matter whether you need consulting on a specific project or just want to learn more about our services and expertise.