Category: Noise barriers

Noise Barrier Musicon

Noise Barrier Musicon

NOISE BARRIER Musicon Facts Project name: Noise barrier Musicon Contract: Tenders Client: Municipality Roskilde Implementation: 2021 Project description In summer 2020, GroundPlug® Industry won the tenders to build a noise barrier along the creative neighbourhood Musicon in Roskilde. The 475m long GroundPlug® noise barrier will shield the neighbourhood from the busy Holbaek highway. The noise barrier in Musicon […]

Noise barrier Vallensbak

Noise barrier Vallensbak

NOISE BARRIER VallensbAk Facts Project name: Noise barrier Vallensbak Contract: Tenders Client: Danish Road Directorate Contract amount: approx. US$ 1.1 million Implementation: 2015 Project description The highway at Koge Bay is one of the busiest roads in Denmark. In order to reduce noise pollution for residents in the nearby residential area, the local municipality has commissioned GroundPlug® to build […]

Noise barrier Svendborg

Noise barrier Svendborg

Noise barrier Svendborg Facts Project name: Noise barrier Svendborg Contract: Tenders Client: Danish Road Directorate Implementation: 2015 Project description In order to reduce noise pollution for heavily affected residential areas along Sundbrovej, a noise barrier was built along the highway in Svendborg in 2015. At GroundPlug®, we were responsible for the construction of the 690m […]

Noise barrier Roglevej

Noise barrier Roglevej

Noise barrier Roglevej Facts Project name: Noise barrier Roglevej Contract: Tenders Client: Municipality of Allerod Implementation: 2013 Project description In 2013, the residents of Roglevej in Allerod, Denmark, got a new noise barrier that was to reduce the noise of the nearby highway. In this project, GroundPlug® was responsible for the calculation, production and installation […]

Noise barrier Nastved/ Ringsted Femern

Noise barrier Nastved/ Ringsted Femern

Noise barrier Nastved/ Ringsted Femern Facts Project name: Noise barrier Nastved/ Ringsted Femern Contract: Subcontractor Client: MJ Eriksson for Rail Net Danmark Implementation: 2015 Project description One of Denmark´s biggest railway projects today is the Ringsted-Femern connection, which will connect Germany and Denmark through a tunnel under the sea. In order to protect local residents from […]

Noise barrier Lyngvang

Noise barrier Lyngvang

Noise barrier Lyngvang Facts Project name: Noise barrier Lyngvang Contract: Tenders Client: Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbak Implementation: 2017 Project description In order to minimize noise pollution at Lyngvang housing in Lyngby municipality, GroundPlug® was given the task of establishing a noise barrier along the residential building complex. The noise barrier is 75m long, 3.5m high and […]

Noise barrier Koge Bay highway

Noise barrier Koge Bay highway

Noise barrier Koge Bay highway Facts Project name: Noise barrier Koge Bay highway Contract: Subcontractor Client: Danish Road Directorate Implementation: 2014 Project description In 2014 the decision was made to extend the Koge Bay highway – a project that was good news for many commuters, but less good news for the residents along the highway. […]

Noise barrier Herlev

Noise barrier Herlev

Noise barrier Herlev Facts Project name: Noise barrier Herlev Contract: Subcontractor Implementation: 2014 Project description At GroundPlug®, we act as both general contractor and subcontractor when it comes to the construction of noise barriers. In the case of the noise barrier in Herlev, we provided calculation, delivery and installation of GroundPlug® foundations. Our foundations thus […]

Noise barrier Bregnerod

Noise barrier Bregnerod

Noise barrier Bregnerod Facts Project name: Noise barrier Bregnerod Contract: Tenders Client: Danish Road Directorate Contract amount: approx. US$ 860 000 Implementation: 2019 Project description After years of noise pollution from a nearby highway, a GroundPlug® noise barrier was built for the local residents in Bregnerod in 2019. As general contractor, we were responsible for the technical calculations, production and […]

Noise barrier Sanderum

Noise barrier Sanderum

Noise barrier Sanderum Facts Project name: Noise barrier Sanderum Contract: Tenders Client: Danish Road Directorate Contract amoung: approx. US$ 2.7 million Implementation: 2019 Project description In 2019, we established a 4m high and 1600m long noise barrier in Sanderum., where noise pollution from the E20 highway been a problem for a long time. Now, the […]